Wen wir behandeln

Unsere Patient*innen

Unsere Praxis ist spezialisiert auf die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Aber auch für Euch als Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte haben wir ein offenes Ohr.
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike
aiko goehler of the physiokiez team teaching a young client to ride a treadbike

Für Säuglinge, Kinder und Jugendliche

Wir untersuchen und behandeln Kinder und Jugendliche mit beeinträchtigter motorischer Funktionsfähigkeit, Entwicklungsverzögerungen und Säuglinge mit Asymmetrien. Außerdem beraten wir Euch zu diesen Themen.
Babies und Kleinkinder machen in ihren ersten Lebensjahren wichtige Entwicklungsschritte und entdecken die Welt. Sie lernen Rollen, Krabbeln, etwas zu greifen und dies mit allen Sinnen zu untersuchen. Ältere Kinder lernen rennen, hüpfen, klettern oder komplexe Fertigkeiten wie Fahrradfahren, Schwimmen oder andere Sportarten, die für die Teilhabe am Freizeitleben wichtig sind. Manchmal ist dabei physiotherapeutische Unterstützung nötig.

a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin
a young client of physiokiez playing with caroline lauppe, experienced physiological practitioner in berlin

Für Euch als Erziehungs-berechtigte und Angehörige

Wenn Ihr den Eindruck habt, dass Euer Kind Schwierigkeiten beim Erlernen von motorischen Meilensteinen oder beim Sport hat, besprecht dies mit Eurer/m Kinderärzt*in und klärt, ob eine physiotherapeutische Behandlung nötig ist. Habt Ihr bereits eine Verordnung von Eurer/m Kinderärzt*in oder vom SPZ bekommen, nehmt gerne Kontakt zu uns auf!

Hinweis zur Behandlung

Für die Behandlung in unserer Praxis benötigt Euer Kind eine ärztliche Verordnung für Physiotherapie:

Folgende Leistungen könnten verschrieben worden sein:
  • Bobath für Kinder und Erwachsene (KG ZNS Kinder Bobath/KG ZNS Bobath)
  • Allgemeine Krankengymnastik (KG)
  • Atemtherapie (KG Atemtherapie)
  • Manuelle Therapie für Säuglinge, Kleinkinder und Schulkinder, sowie für Erwachsene (MT)